Hosting & maintenance

From creating your domain name to hosting your project, including maintenance and ongoing security, you don’t have to worry about anything.

Our accommodation packages

Basic Hosting

  • Basic maintenance
  • Domain name management
  • Standard hosting
  • 100GB of disk space
  • Managing your 10 email addresses
  • SSL certificate management
  • Managing your GDPR (Privacy)
  • Management of basic modules
  • Annual backup
  • Direct contact modules
  • Speed boost module
  • SEO module
  • High availability

39,00€ HT /month

Premium Hosting

  • Premium maintenance
  • Domain name management
  • High availability hosting
  • 500GB of disk space
  • Managing your 1000 email addresses
  • SSL certificate management
  • Managing your GDPR (Privacy)
  • Management of basic modules
  • Weekly backup
  • Direct contact modules
  • Speed boost module
  • SEO module
  • High availability

79,00€ HT /month


Our process


We discuss together what you really need for your project.


We offer several options to match exactly what you need.


The third step will be to choose between the different accommodation proposals.


We will activate your hosting subscription.

Our technologies

Shared hosting

Shared hosting brings together several sites on the same server with shared resources.

This plan is ideal for small websites or beginners due to its affordability and ease of management.

However, it can limit performance and control, which can be a disadvantage for websites with high traffic or requiring advanced customization.

Virtual server (VPS)

A VPS server provides an isolated virtual environment on a physical server.

This solution is ideal for websites requiring more control and customization than shared hosting. It is suitable for users with specific software configuration or performance needs, but who do not want to manage a full dedicated server.

A VPS server is more expensive than shared hosting, but it offers greater flexibility and better control of resources.

Dedicated server

A dedicated server is computer hardware exclusively assigned to a single user or company.

This solution is ideal for projects requiring full control of resources and performance, as well as mission-critical applications and intensive workloads. It is best suited for businesses that require advanced customization, strong security, and high availability.

However, dedicated servers are more expensive than other hosting options, and managing them requires advanced technical skills. Using a dedicated server is recommended when high performance and flexibility are essential to meet specific business needs.

Google Cloud

Google Cloud Platform is a suite of cloud services offered by Google. It is ideal for businesses and developers requiring highly scalable, flexible and secure cloud resources.

GCP is well suited for applications requiring high scalability, advanced data analytics, artificial intelligence solutions, or global application deployments. It provides access to computing resources managed by Google, but this may incur higher costs than other solutions.

GCP is recommended when industry-leading performance, elasticity, and integration with Google services are essential to meet business needs.

Let's generate your
accommodation plan

We will help you find the formula that suits you.